Premium Fukamushi Sencha Deep Steamed

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Article Nr 1031
Stock: 200
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Japanese Green Tea

Temperature: 70 - 80 °C

Quantity: 5g for 2dl

Brewing Time: 30sec - 45sec

Up to 3 brewing rounds possible

Fukamishi (Deep Stamed) Sencha tea leaves possess a wonderful fragrance upon opening the package. Deep steamed Sencha requires great skill and knowledge, only a few Japansese Tea companies are experts in this. The tea is steemend a minute longer than the regular Sencha. When deep steamed, the tea leaves lose their leaf shape. The leaves separate and result in a comparatively powdery consistency keeping the full taste and nutritional value. When you brew deep steamed tea, you’ll get a thicker, richer, darker green, green tea. The first infusion of this superior quality tea brings forth a deeply rich colored liquid that that offers a very well rounded, smooth, mellow and rich taste. A light astringency slightly increases as the liquid cools. The second steeping produces a little darker liquid that tastes much the same as the first, but is slightly sweeter.